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国際結婚・離婚 International Marriage/Divorce

近年,日本で暮らす外国人,外国で暮らす日本人などが,国際結婚をしたり,出産したり,または離婚をすることが珍しくない時代となっています。外国人を当事者とする結婚,出産, 離婚などをめぐる問題は,複数の国の法律に関係します。みなさまが,そのような問題に直面したとき,届出が必要かどうか,届出は難しくないか,どんな書類を用意すればよいかなど,様々な疑問の解決のサポートを提供します。もちろん、婚姻や離婚に伴うビザの手続きも取り扱っております。面倒な書類手続きはお任せください。
In this day and age, no one bats an eye lid about expats living in Japan or Japanese living overseas marrying, giving birth and/or divorcing. But the laws of multiple countries need to be referred to when a marriage, birth-giving or divorce involves an expat. If you are faced with the intricacies of such a situation, count on us to provide support in finding solutions. Would you or would you not need to file a notification to authorities? Would it be lots of trouble to do so? What documentation would you need? Let us answer all these questions. Need visa status change relating to your marriage or divorce? Leave it all to us. We will do the tedious document work for you.

就労 Work in Japan

An expat wishing to work in Japan needs to obtain a status of residence that allows work, as provided for in the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act. We can help you find out whether or not you or your non-Japanese prospective employee is eligible to work in Japan and also assist you in various ways including the obtainment of a working visa. Leave it all to us. we will do the tedious document work for you.

開業 Start Business in Japan

If you wish to start a business in Japan, we will assist you obtain the Business Manager status of residence (unless you already have a status of residence with no restrictions on working). Put your full confidence in us, as we are especially experienced in this particular type of status of residence.
We can also assist Japanese and expats living in Japan, who have no restrictions on working, with a speedy establishment of a company (in cooperation with our allied shiho shoshi judicial scriveners).
Upon a successful establishment of a company, we can provide a tax accounting counsel service to take care of all notifications and other tedious document work (in partnership with our allied licensed tax accountants). Leave it all to us. We will do the tedious document work for you.

日本語を学ぶ Learn Japanese

Learn Japanese with a professional instructor.
We can offer various flexible study plans to suit your convenience. Feel free to contact us for more details.

生活トラブル Difficulties in Everyday Life

Expats living in Japan could be faced with a whole range of difficulties in daily life. We are here to provide specific solutions to your specific problems.

まずはお電話でご相談ください。 TEL 052-265-6072 不在時、留守電メッセージを残していただければ折り返しご連絡します。

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