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CHO internationalについてのご案内-名古屋で在日韓国人の帰化申請、外国人VISA取得の専門行政書士事務所

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  • CHO internationalについてのご案内-名古屋で在日韓国人の帰化申請、外国人VISA取得の専門行政書士事務所

代表 川本 絢子 (かわもと あやこ)

韓国中央大学校法学科法学部 卒業(韓国ソウル市)
帰国後 韓国人外国法事務弁護士の秘書兼通訳として活動(東京都千代田区大手町)
平成21年 行政書士登録  開業当時から国際業務オンリー
平成26年 日本国籍取得 平成30年日本語教師資格取得

※ブログ絶賛更新中! 川本絢子ブログ

Ayako Kawamoto biography

Born in Nagoya City, Aichi prefecture, Kawamoto graduated from the local Sugiyama Jogakuen High School and earned her bachelor’s degree in law at the Chung-Ang University in Seoul, the Republic of Korea. As a university student she was intending to pursue a career in law, but various connections she cultivated through part-time interpretation work led her to become a freelance interpreter based in the South Korean capital. In and around Seoul, Kawamoto interpreted at business meetings, television programs and other venues and attended visiting Japanese celebrities.

Upon her return to Japan, Kawamoto lived in Tokyo working as a secretary-cum-interpreter for a South Korean lawyer specializing in foreign laws and then moved to Nagoya to resume her career as a freelance Japanese-Korean interpreter. In addition to undertaking business negotiations, attendant-interpreter assignments and simultaneous conference interpretation work, she also served as a legal interpreter for public prosecutors’ offices, courts and the Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau.

In 2009 Kawamoto became registered as a gyosei shoshi administrative scrivener and started her own office, specializing in immigration consultation and issues relating to living in Japan. In 2014 she acquired Japanese citizenship. Fluent in English, Japanese and Korean, Kawamoto is an avid swimmer and cat lover.

More and latest on Ayako Kawamoto at her blog


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